
Case Study | MFA Graduate Thesis Project

Academy of Art University Graduate School of Web Design & New Media

Week 15

What's Next?

So this is the last week of my User Experience: Human Centered Design course at the Academy of Art University

After this course, I will continue to work on and refine my AWAKENED [AR]t Installation Project. A BIG thank you to my professor, Raina, and to all of my classmates! I have really enjoyed my time in this course and have learned and been inspired so much by all of you.

If you have not had a chance to review my recorded project presentation, I invite you to visit my YouTube channel and have look. It is a work in progress and I am grateful for any feedback you wish to provide.

AWAKENED [AR]t Installation Presentation on YouTube

AWAKENED Presentation Cover

I will continue to create these blog posts to document my progress for this project.

In addition to my Studio Blog, I will use these tools to stay focused and organized:

  • Monday Project Planning
  • Adobe InDesign
  • AdobeXD
  • AdobeIllustrator
  • AdobePhotoshop
  • Apple KeyNote
  • Lots and lots of more research and testing

I will refine all areas of my project.

Lastly, I plan to stay in touch with my peers through LinkedIn. We have already exchanged our profiles and connected our accounts!

Have a wonderful Summer and hope to hear from you soon!


Coming-Up Next...

Stay connected, as I continue my journey with this project and my creative process...


    This blog will serve as a place to create my case study. I invite you to follow along with me as I journey through this process.

    Thank you for reading and for your interest.

    Julie A. Davis Veach

    Julie Davis