Keep Indy Creating Artist Restart Grant - Thank you!
I am so very grateful for the opportunity to receive an Artist Restart Grant from the Keep Indy Creating Fund, via the Arts Council of Indianapolis, to help ensure that I can I keep creating during this difficult time!
Thanks to generous community support, the Arts Council of Indianapolis raised over $13 million to support independent artists and performers, and nonprofit arts and culture organizations in Indianapolis in 2020.
In 2021, the Arts Council went a step further with the Keep Indy Creating Fund. With new findings in mind from a recent survey of artists and creatives, they went beyond supplementing income and instead gave funds designed to help artists restart or jumpstart their careers. Grants will also be awarded to support mental health services for artists.
For me, this grant played a significant role in advancing and sustaining my art career. I used it to purchase software (the cost is $999/yr.) that's required to create 3D animations and motion graphics to add Augmented Reality (AR) components to my future artworks (paintings/murals/etc.) Specifically, I have created a proposal (for sponsorships/grants) to present my first immersive art installation project, "AWAKENED, the [AR]t Experience," and I can now further my proof of concept with the development of AR animations that will be experienced with my artwork, thanks to the Artist Restart Grant!
It is my intention to create works that will make a positive social impact on our communities, reciprocating the generosity this grant comprises. I'm looking forward to sharing my new works and AR experiences with the public!
I am currently enrolled in Advanced Motion Graphics with the Academy of Art University Web and New Media Graduate Program and scheduled to graduate with my MFA at the end of this semester. So, in-effect, this grant has played a huge role in advancing/expanding and elevating my career, artwork, and skill-set.
A heart-felt and grateful "thank you" goes out to The Arts Council of Indianapolis and their partners and supporters!
Humbly Grateful & Very Respectfully,
To Learn More about the resources provided by the Arts Council of Indianapolis and the #KeepIndyCreating initiative visit https://indyarts.org