Julie Davis, Sacred Reflection, 2018 Acrylic
6.5 x 6.5 in NFS
I have always believed that there is so much more than meets the eye when observing the world around us. It is our choice to see the world in light or in darkness. It all exists (or doesn’t) just the same.
Since I was a young girl, I have loved nature and all the hidden treasures of awe and wonder that it provides when observed with an open heart and gracious spirit! This connection with nature led me to an exploration in sacred geometry.

Julie Davis, Sacred Reflection, 2018
Acrylic, 6.5 x 6.5 in (in-progress)
Sacred geometry constantly communicates to all who are willing to be still enough to listen, revealing truths beyond the obvious. As in life, sacred geometry presents an unlimited amount of possibilities, until the observer decides on just one. This painting is the result of playful experimentation with those possibilities- represented here in shapes, lines, textures, and colors. Each element having a very defined meaning to each observer. The process of creating each painting is a thrilling and enlightening discovery that opens my eyes and mind to the world around me providing healing and hope for a brighter future based on love and compassion. I hope that you can experience this state of awe through my paintings and that I may open your heart to the light within you so that you become part of this consciousness.

Julie Davis Veach, Sacred Reflection, 2018 Acrylic, 6.5 x 6.5 in (in-progress)
I don’t want to dictate what you, the observer, “sees” in this painting- because it is your choice and part of the limitless possibilities that you control. So, I will merely make a few suggestions about what I see, at this moment- even though what I see today will most likely change from one day to the next. The meanings in my paintings can be as simple or complex as you like.
Artist Depiction: Sacred relationships are represented by the gold lines that connect to each other, and visible or not, provide structure for the choices made, resulting in the shapes that you see. Each choice leads to a different set of potentials. The two white triangles emerge center stage and are polar opposite of each other- reflecting on one another, providing balance, harmony, and equality. This self-reflection is supported by the ascending tranquil teal triangle behind them, which is contained and protected in the element of spirit and sanctity (the circle). Through this spiritual self-reflection, the universe begins to open.
Have fun with it – shift your perspective. It can change your entire world!

Julie Davis Veach, Sacred Reflection, 2018 Acrylic, 6.5 x 6.5 in (in-progress)
Artist Process: With this group of studies, I was exploring the creative process itself, through sacred geometry, moving from a very linear and logical way of thinking/creating (using a straight edge and compass) to a more fluid and intuitive means of making decisions (using color, shape, line, and texture created by the fluidity of acrylic paints). It was very much like a choose your own adventure book. Each decision in the process led to another set of choices to make until “Sacred Reflection” was achieved.
~Julie A. Davis Veach

Julie Davis Veach, Sacred Reflection, 2018 Acrylic, 6.5 x 6.5 in. (Framing Options)